

Instructor Sudanese (First Two Weeks Vocabulary Lists (Lessons 1-8)) Flashcards on SD_2weeks_L06, created by Adlan Abdelaziz on 25/07/2022.
Adlan Abdelaziz
Flashcards by Adlan Abdelaziz, updated more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Created by Adlan Abdelaziz about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
أهلاً وسهلاً welcome
كانت it was
رحلة trip
كيف كانت رحلة مروي؟ How was the Merowi trip?
حلوة nice
كانت حلوة it was nice
انبسطنا we had fun!
شديد a lot
انبسطنا شديد !we had so much fun
متين؟ When?
رجعتوا متين؟ When did you (all) return?
أمبارح yesterday
أمبارح بالليل last night
أولادك your kids
انبسطوا they had fun
أولادك انبسطوا؟ Did your kids have fun?
هم they
بس but
كانوا they were
تعبانين tired (pl.)
مشينا we walked
كثير a lot
إنت بتتكلم you speak (masc.)
عربي Arabic
كويس well
إنت بتتكلم عربي كويس you speak Arabic well
درست you studied (masc.)
درست وين؟ Where did you study? (masc.)
المعهد الدبلوماسي FSI
تبع... affiliated with... (masc.)
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