French - English Vie du consommateur - La parole est à vous List 1


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) Flashcards on French - English Vie du consommateur - La parole est à vous List 1, created by Kristen Walters on 27/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Flashcards by Kristen Walters, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Created by Kristen Walters over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
on credit à crédit
to speed up, to accelerate accélérer
to grow, to increase accroître
in order to afin de
vagary, hazard aléa (un)
alliance alliance (une)
opening ceremony address allocution d’ouverture (une)
friendship amitié (une)
antisemitism antisémitisme (un)
opinion argument (un)
attaché attaché (un)
increase augmentation (une)
to have a good credit history avoir un bon crédit
having ayant [avoir]
bank (adj.) bancaire
budget budget (un)
case caisse (une)
Cameroon Cameroun (le)
capital capital (un), capitaux (des)
champagne champagne (un)
song chanson (une)
social expenditure charge sociale (une)
driver chauffeur (un)
figure, number, digit chiffre (un)
Chinese chinois(e)
unemployment chômage (un)
circumstance circonstance (une)
competent compétent(e)
competitiveness compétitivité (une)
concluded conclu [conclure]
competition concurrence (une)
market-based competition concurrence du marché (une)
conflict of interests conflit d’intérêts (un)
to dedicate consacrer à
to consolidate consolider
contract contrat (un)
supervision, oversight contrôle (un)
to cut couper
economic growth croissance économique (une)
desperately cruellement
cook cuisinier (un)
in advance d’avance
public expenditure dépense publique (une)
social expenditure dépense sociale (une)
unfolding déroulement (un)
homework, duty devoir (un)
to have disposer de
to divide diviser
in a sustainable way durablement
to save économiser
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