

Flashcards on IQ_R1_L30, created by Noor AlShammari on 01/08/2022.
Noor AlShammari
Flashcards by Noor AlShammari, updated more than 1 year ago
Noor AlShammari
Created by Noor AlShammari about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
سوق المباركية Al Mubarakeya market: one of the oldest markets in Kuwait
تعتقدين الكل راح يوافق؟ Do you think all will agree?
أظن I think
خطة plan
أظن الخطة زينة! I think it is a good plan!
متحف museum
وطني national (masc.)
المتحف الوطني The National Museum
سوق شعبي traditional market
هدوم/ملابس clothes
الملابس الشعبية traditional clothes
أعلى طابق top floor
غالي expensive (masc.)
تنصحيني؟ Would you advise me? (fem.)
آني متعود على... I am used to... (m.)
ممكن أروح وياكم؟ Can I go with you all?
طبعا! Of course!
ما عندي مانع I do not mind
شنو الخطة؟ What is the plan?
برج خليفة Burj Khalifa: Skyscraper in Dubai
يعجبني... I would like ...
دبي مول Dubai Mall: the largest mall in the world
كل شيء منظم everything is organized
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