

Flashcards on EG_R01_L27, created by Nariman Rizk on 01/08/2022.
Nariman Rizk
Flashcards by Nariman Rizk , updated more than 1 year ago
Nariman Rizk
Created by Nariman Rizk about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
شفناكي we saw you
ما شفناكيش we didn't see you
قدرت I was able to
ما قدرتش I wasn't able to
أحضر I attend
ما قدرتش أحضر I wasn't able to attend
ابني my son
سلامته hope he gets well soon
إتعرفنا على we met
عروسته his bride
صور pictures
فتحت I opened
فيسبوك Facebook
حطيتي you put (fem.)
بنت عم cousin (fem.- paternal)
دول these
سفير ambassador (masc.)
ابنه his son
تركيا Turkey
عدد number
عدد المعازيم number of invitees
هيرجع he will return
إشمعنا Why--- in particular?
شركات السياحة travel agencies
عروض offers
رخيصة cheap (fem.)
السفر traveling
شاملة السفر والإقامة including accommodation and travel (all inclusive)
جبتوا You all brought
قولوا لي You all let me know!
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