Created by Kristen Walters
over 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
grocery store | makèt |
morning | maten |
Wednesday | mèkredi |
noon | midi |
minute | minit |
midnight | minwi |
to go up | monte |
in, at | nan |
in between | nan mitan |
nine o'clock | nevè |
computer | òdinatè |
not | pa, p |
to happen, to take place | pase |
Port-au-Prince | Pòtoprens |
near | pre |
restaurant | restoran |
to return | retounen, tounen |
Saturday | samdi |
week | semenn |
next week | semenn k ap vini an |
help, assistance | sèvis |
if, sure | si |
movie theater | sinema |
to go out | sòti |
evening | swa |
time | tan |
exactly, on the dot | tapan |
straight ahead | toudwat |
to cross | travèse |
shall, will (future tense particle) | va, a |
Friday | vandredi |
turn | vire |
to be (used at end of sentence) | ye |
friend | zanmi |
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