Korean - English Descriptive Verbs


ILR Languages (Korean Introductory) Flashcards on Korean - English Descriptive Verbs, created by Kristen Walters on 15/08/2022.
Kristen Walters
Flashcards by Kristen Walters, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Created by Kristen Walters about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
be hot and humid 무덥다
not to be 아니다
not to be delicious 맛(이)없다
not to be interesting 재미없다
to be 이다
to be a lot 많다
to be all right 괜찮다
to be bad 나쁘다
to be beautiful 아름답다
to be big 크다
to be busy 바쁘다
to be different 다르다
to be difficult 어렵다
to be easy 쉽다
to be famous 유명하다
to be fast 빠르다
to be glad 반갑다
to be good 좋다
to be happy 기쁘다
to be healthy 건강하다
to be heavy 무겁다
to be high 높다
to be how 어떻다
to be important 중요하다
to be interesting 재미있다
to be late 늦다
to be light 가볍다
to be like that (over there) 저렇다
to be like this 이렇다
to be lonely 외롭다
to be long 길다
to be low 낮다
to be nice 착하다
to be pretty 예쁘다
to be same 같다
to be short 짧다
to be sick 아프다
to be similar 비슷하다
to be slow 느리다
to be small 작다
to be so, be true 그렇다
to be sorry 미안하다
to be special 특별하다
to be strange 이상하다
to be strong 강하다
to be stylish 멋있다
to be tired 피곤하다
to be well, live in peace 안녕하다
to be wide 넓다
to be young 젊다
to need 필요하다
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