L4 Phrases


Flashcards on L4 Phrases , created by FSI Slovenian on 17/08/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Poglejte ta album! Look at this album!
A tako? Is that so ?
Poleg njih so njihova glasbila. Next to them are their instruments.
Mislim, da se nisem dobro izrazila. I think I didn’t express myself clearly.
Vi ste dobre volje. You are in a good mood.
Ali kaj praznujete? Are you celebrating something?
Praznujemo dan neodvisnosti. We are celebrating The Independence Day.
Na tisti fotografiji so njegovi osebni prijatelji. On that photo are also his personal friends.
Amaterski glasbeniki so tako kot gospod Brown. They are amateur musicians, just like Mr. Brown.
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