

Jordanian JOR_First Two Weeks Flashcards on JO_L03, created by Summar Mohamed on 19/08/2022.
Summar Mohamed
Flashcards by Summar Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Summar Mohamed
Created by Summar Mohamed about 2 years ago
Summar Mohamed
Copied by Summar Mohamed about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
خوسيه Jose
أمريكي American (masc.)
هو أمريكي he is American
مدينة city
ضابط officer
ضابط أمن Security Officer
بيته his house
...بعيد عن far away from
سافر he traveled
سافر للأردن he traveled to Jordon
قبل before / ago
شهر a month
قبل شهر a month ago
متزوج married (masc.)
ولد boy
بنت girl
كبير big (masc.)
سنتين two years
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