Unit 06_Lesson 04_Practice for Fluency 04 - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration (Speaking) Flashcards on Unit 06_Lesson 04_Practice for Fluency 04 - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Saya akan ambilkan air putih supaya Anda tidak kepedasan. I will take some water so that you are not suffering from the spiciness.
Saya akan bawakan makanannya supaya tamu-tamunya bisa mulai makan. I will take some food so that the guests can start to eat.
Saya akan panggilkan taksi supaya dia bisa pulang secepatnya. I will call a taxi so that he can go home immediately.
Saya akan bacakan artikelnya supaya mereka bisa mendengar dengan jelas. I will read the article so that they can hear clearly.
Saya akan hidangkan kue-kuenya supaya mereka bisa coba. I will serve the cookies so that they can try.
Saya akan siapkan minuman supaya Anda tidak haus. I will prepare some drinks so that you are not thirsty.
Saya akan tinggalkan Anda sendiri supaya bisa belajar. I will leave you alone so that you can study.
Saya akan tinggalkan Anda sendiri supaya bisa bekerja. I will leave you alone so that you can work.
Saya akan mainkan pianonya supaya Anda bisa dengarkan. I will play the piano so that you can listen to it.
Saya akan hidupkan lampunya supaya Anda bisa membaca. I will turn on the light so that you can read.
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