Lao vowels


Level 1 Lao Consonants Flashcards on Lao vowels, created by Vongvilay Valvis on 31/08/2022.
Vongvilay Valvis
Flashcards by Vongvilay Valvis, updated more than 1 year ago
Vongvilay Valvis
Created by Vongvilay Valvis over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
xະ a (as in ha!)
xາ aa (as in father)
xິ i (as in it)
xີ ii (as in bee)
xຶ eu/uh/ʉ
xື eeu/uuh/ʉʉ
Xຸ u (as in took)
xູ uu (as in pooh)
ເxະ e (as in pet)
ເx ee (as in made)
ແxະ ae/ɛ (as in cat) ǣ
ແx aae/ɛɛ (as in air without curling tongue)
ໂxະ o (as in oh! With glottal stop)
ໂx oo (as in go)
ເxາະ aw/Ɔ (as in awkward without “K”)
xໍ aaw/ ƆƆ (as in law)
ເxິ Ə (as in number with glottal stop)
ເxີ ƏƏ (as in lurk without curling tongue and drag your pronunciation)
ເxັຍ ia (as in Kia with glottal stop)
ເxຍ iia (as in Mia and drag your pronunciation)
xົວະ ua (as in mua (kiss) with glottal stop)
xົວ uua (as in tour without curling tongue)
ເxຶອ eua/uha/ʉa (as in eu + a)
ເxືອ eeua/uhha/ʉʉa (as in eeu + a)
ໄx ai (as in Thai)
ໃx ai (as in Thai)
ເxົາ ao (as in owl without an “L”)
xຳ am (as in umbrella)
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