Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 1 2024 Latinic


Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 1 Latinic 2022a
FSI Serbian
Flashcards by FSI Serbian, updated about 1 month ago
FSI Serbian
Created by FSI Serbian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Dobar dan! Good Afternoon! Hello!
dobar, dobra, dobro good
dan m. day
Ja sam... I am...
nastavnik m., nastavnica f. Teacher (male, female)
Srbin m., Srpkinja f. a Serbian (man, woman)
Ja nisam... I am not...
Amerikanac m., Amerikanka f. an American (man, woman)
novinar m., novinarka f. journalist (male, female)
i and
Radim za... I work for...
raditi to work
u in
iz from
Pišem o... I write about...
pisati to write
o about
Želim da se upoznamo. I want to get to know you.
želeti to want
upoznati to get to know, to meet
Vaša imejl adresa your e-mail address
Dobio sam Vašu imejl adresu... I got your e-mail address...
dobiti to get, to receive
Vaš kolega m., Vaša koleginica f. your colleague (male, female)
Gde? Where?
Gde ste Vi...? Where are you?
sada now
Šta? What?
Ovo je... This is...
Pozdrav! Greetings!
Hvala! Thank you!
moj, moja, moje my
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