Expressões famosas (Inglês)


Algumas expressões famosas e seus significados (em inglês)
Thauan Melo
Flashcards by Thauan Melo, updated more than 1 year ago
Thauan Melo
Created by Thauan Melo about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
had ants in her pants feeling impatient
behind closed doors in secret or in private / away from the public
deliver the goods to do or provide what is expected
go the extra mile to put more effort into something than is typically expected
in two minds unable to make a decision about something
drop out to stop taking part in an activity
deal with to take care of a problem; to control a difficult situation
come apart to fall into pieces
take up to start a new hobby or a new job
cost an arm and a leg cost a lot of money
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