Vocabulário de Trabalho/Economia


Vocabulário técnico para trabalhar o tema de profissão, trabalho e economia. Lição 9 do Ponto de Encontro.
Beatriz Malone
Flashcards by Beatriz Malone, updated more than 1 year ago
Beatriz Malone
Created by Beatriz Malone about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a empresa company, business
empregar to employ
o emprego jo, work, employment
o empregador employer
o empregado employee
o chefe, a chefe boss
o desemprego unemployment
contratar to hire
demitir to discharge, dismiss, fire
candidatar-se to apply for (a job)
o candidato, a candidata candidate
a vaga opening position (vacancy)
supervisionar to supervise
o supervisor supervisor
preencher to fill out
o salário mínimo minimum wage
o expediente working hours
a oportunidade de trabalho job opportunity
a renda income
a mão de obra labor
queixar-se to complain
a entrevista de emprego job interview
a hora extra overtime, extra hour
a jornada de trabalho working hours
a previdência social social security
a carteira de trabalho Work Permit, Worker's record book. (an official Brazilian worker's identification issued by the Ministry of Labor and containing employment records, including all individual labor contracts and their changes over time)
a licença maternidade maternity leave
FGTS Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS). (It works as an "unavailable savings" for the worker. Every month, the company deposits 8% of the gross salary (without discounts, such as INSS, IR and union contribution) in an account at Caixa Econômica Federal, in the employee's name. This money is corrected over time, as an investment, but the worker is only entitled to make withdrawals in some cases, established by law.)
o vale transporte transportation voucher
o vale refeição meal voucher
13° salário 13th salary. (The payment of the 13th salary is equivalent to an additional salary in the employee's account. The deposit is made in two installments, the first between February and November, and the second until December 20. All workers are entitled to the benefit, regardless of how long they have been employed. What changes is that the value is proportional to the company time that year.)
o seguro desemprego Unemployment insurance. (The unemployment insurance benefit is a right of workers who have been dismissed without cause for a period of 3 to 5 months. To do this, he must prove that he is not working (without a formal license) and that he is not receiving another Social Security benefit - with the exception of a death pension or accident benefit.)
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