Dr. Ned's Wonderous Marvelous Student Identity Emporium


a deep philosophical look at the quandry of identity and physicality derived from the attempted addition of socially determined names to a batch of youths...attendees in a class of knowledge searching led by a veritable doctor of excellence. Dr. Mullen, Co-Captain.
Ned Dempsey
Flashcards by Ned Dempsey, updated more than 1 year ago
Ned Dempsey
Created by Ned Dempsey over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Period Three Period Three
Jaden Power
Ashlyn Carter
Ellie Chenoweth
Olivia Cooper
Siobhan Holden
An Pham
Mathias Enger
Abdulalrhman Alkhattari
Kai Uchio
Caden Scheibauer
Jake Trimble
Peter Demachkie
Derek Cheverez-True
Cecilia Capanna
Chloe Babcock
Jacob Dean
Salvatore McLaughlin
Oliver Anwyl-Davies
Susanna Lofvander
Talia Zampese
Paul Deprima
Elliot Bettles
Abby Brummett
Siena Pomerantz
Claire stotts
Ineka Damen
Grant Bennett
Jose Rivera
Itzel Valle Pule
Sofia Chicote Cohee
Stephany Jimenez Cortes
Sarah Jacobs
Rachael Atkins
Period Four Period Four
Georgia Brace
Claudia Brewer
Rose Campbell
Tyler Dahneke
Nicholas Dallow
Joseph DeBruynKops
Sean Dolan
Aiden Douglas
Jordan Duggan
Alessandra Garza
Andrea Gonzalez
Kai Hansen
Olivia Heras
Bella Holland
Kisea Katikka Horgan
Rell Kyle
Mason Lender
Gabriella Manzo
Drewes McFarling
Jacqueline Heras Mejia
Frances Mullen
Katheryn Savannah Natividad
Lucas Owens
Krisjanis Ozolins
Kian Pardisi
Olivia Pederson
Diego Perez
Camina Pipkin
Lila Roderick
Thomas Roth
Riley Svensson
Kyle Tro
Akela Craviotto-Velasco
Juan Herrera Vicente
Anissa Ward
Jackson Wright
Veronica Garcia Zepeda
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