Snapshot 1900: Living in the Raj


Unit 2 of edexcel textbook
Flashcards by meforis, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by sarah2411 almost 9 years ago
Copied by meforis almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why was the caste system significant in India? The caste system was a part of the Hindu religion. Hindus made up about 70% of Indian society therefore it affected many aspects of life in India.
Why was religion important in India? The population in India: 70% were Hindus, 20% were Muslims and the remaining 10% was made up of Sikhs and Christians. Each religion followed a different way of life and set of beliefs. These beliefs came into direct contact when the future of India was being decided.
What were the economic benefits for Britain by having India a part of her Empire? Trade between India and Britain provided a market for British goods and so boosted the British economy. Also, the British placed low tariffs on goods being imported into India so that goods from Britain could enter the Indian market without being highly taxed, e.g. Lancashire cotton.
How did Britain invest in India? The British 'victory' in the 1857 Indian mutiny and subsequent transfer of power from the East India Company to the Britsh Crown resulted in a large increase in investment in Indian agricultuure and industry. The 'victory' boosted investors confidence that the British Empire in India was built on sound foundations. 1900 - India received £250million of investment from Britain. 1910 - this figure rose to £365million.
How did India benefit the job market for British citizens? India provided direct employment for the British people who worked there. Jobs included roles in the government service, the Indian Civil Service (ICS), forestry, education, medicine and engineering. But it was the Indian army that secured the biggest manpower commitment from Britain enabling Britain to have a secure presence in Asia.
How did the Indian mutiny affect the life of British people in India? It increased racial mistrust leading to the British separating themselves from the Indians, creating the image of them as the ruling elite. Indians continued as servants of the British but fewer British men took Indian wives as they preferred the security of a British wife.
Where was the administrative capital of British India? Calcutta.
Where was the summer capital of British India? Simla.
How did the Anglo-Indians fit into society in British India? Anglo-Indians (people of mixed Indian and British descent) were accepted by neither the British nor the Indians. However, they referred to Britain as 'home' and dressed in European clothes.
Why were the Anglo-Indians important to British control in India? They formed the backbone of labour on the railways and the postal and telegraph services. Without them, the British could not administer India.
How did the British view their role in India? The 'White Man's Burden': the perceived duty to govern so-called inferior races and countries.
What were the attitudes of Indians towards the British Raj at the beginning of the twentieth century? In 1900, it was difficult for Indians to openly criticise the British especially as the Raj employed large numbers of Indians. However there was simmering discontent and growing resentment towards the British Raj which was beginning to be regarded as an alien rule.
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