Ib Biology


Ib biology Topic 1
Sandra Aghedo
Flashcards by Sandra Aghedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Sandra Aghedo
Created by Sandra Aghedo about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cells Is the fundamental Unit of all life forms
Cell Theory Proposes that all Organisms are composed of one or more cells and the cells are the smallest Unit of life.
Unicellular Organisms Metabolism, Growth, Response, Homeostasis, Nutrition, Reproduction
Unicellular Organisms Are able to control its internal environment The also carry all functions of life
Stem Cells Are unspecialised Can divide repeatedly to make large numbers of new cells
Multicellular Organisms Many cells working in a Unit
Multicellular Organisms Cells > Tissues, >Tissues > Organs,> Organs> Organ System,> Organ System> multicellular Organisms
Cell Wall Protects the cell from the outside environment and maintains the shape of the cell. Also prevents the cell from bursting, if internal pressure rises
Plasma Membrane Semi- Permeable membrane, which controls the substances moving in/ out of cells. It also contains integral and peripheral proteins. Substances pass either through active/ passive pressure transport
Pilli Helps bacteria to adhere each other for an exchange of genetic material
Flagella Made of a protein "flagellin" which helps bacteria move around with the use of a motor protein which spins flagellum like propeller
Ribosomes Are the site of protein synthesis, which contribute in Protein Synthesis by translating messenger RNA
Eukaryotic Cells Animal cells. Example: Liver cell
Ribosomes( in Animal Cell) Found floating free in Cytoplasm or attached to surface of Rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and Chloroplast
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) Modify proteins to alter their function and their destinations. Synthesizes proteins are to be excreted from the cell
Lysosome Contains many digestive enzymes, to hydrolyze macromolecules such as proteins and Lipids into their monomers
Golgi Apparatus Receives proteins from the rough endoplasmic reticulum which may modify them more, packages protein before protein synthesis and sends it to its final destination, which may be intracellular or extracellular
Mitochondria Responsible for aerobic Respiration which converts chemical energy into ATP using Oxygen
Nucleus Contains chromosomes therefore its a hereditary material, which is responsible for controlling cells function
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