L8 Regular Verbs


FSI Basic Slovene Flashcards on L8 Regular Verbs, created by FSI Slovenian on 26/10/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
diplomirati, diplomiram (perf./imp.) to graduate with a bachelor degree (perf.,imp.)
doktorirati, doktoriram (imp./perf.) to graduate with a doctorate, Ph. D (perf.,imp.)
hoditi, hodim (imp.) to walk, attend (imp.)
končati, končam (perf.) to end (perf.)
magistrirati,magistriram (perf./imp.) to graduate with a master's degree (perf.,imp.)
maturirati, maturiram (perf./imp.) to graduate with high school diploma (perf.,imp.)
narediti,naredim (perf.) to do, to make, to finish something (perf. from delati)
nositi, nosim (imp..) to carry (imp.)
ogledati si, ogledam si (perf.) to view (perf.)
ohraniti, ohranim (perf.) to save, preserve (perf.)
plavati,plavam (imp.) to swim (imp.)
počivati, počivam (imp.) to rest (imp.)
poročati, poročam (imp.) to report (imp.)
poročiti, poročim (perf.) to marry (perf.)
pozabiti, pozabim (perf.) to forget (perf.)
pregledati, pregledam (perf.) to review (perf.)
preseliti, preselim (perf.) to move (perf.)
približati se, približam se (perf.) to approach (perf.)
razstavljati, razstavljam (imp.) to exhibit (imp.)
roditi, rodim (imp.,perf.) to give birth (perf.,imp.)
roditi se, rodim se (perf.) to be born (perf.)
smučati, smučam (imp.) to ski (imp.)
spoznati, spoznam (perf.) to meet; to learn (perf.)
spremljati, spremljam (imp.) to accompany (imp.)
šolati se,šolam se (imp.) to go to school (imp.)
upokojiti (se), upokojim (se) (perf.) to retire (perf.)
uporabljati, uporabljam (imp.) to use (imp.)
zahtevati, zahtevam (imp.,perf.) to demand (imp.,perf.)
zaposliti, zaposlim (perf.) to employ, to hire (perf.)
zaposliti se, zaposlim se (perf.) to become employed (perf.)
poročiti se, poročim se (perf.) to get married (perf.)
preseliti se, preselim se (perf.) to move oneself (perf.)
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