Unit 07_Speaking for Fluency_Leaving a message to a secretary


College Languages - Unit 7: Profession & Occupations (Speaking) Flashcards on Unit 07_Speaking for Fluency_Leaving a message to a secretary, created by SLS Indonesian on 02/11/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Nanti saya menelepon lagi. That' alright, if that is the case. Later I will call again.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Nanti saya mencoba lagi. That's alright, if that is the case. Later, I will try again.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Saya akan bertemu dengan beliau dalam rapat nanti . That's alright, if that is the case. I will meet him at the meeting later.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Saya bisa bicara dengan beliau lagi waktu beliau sudah kembali. That's alright, if that is the case. I can talk to him again when he gets back.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Saya bisa telpon beliau lagi waktu beliau sudah kembali. That's alright, if that is the case. I can call him again when he gets back.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Ini tidak penting sekali. That's alright, if that is the case. It's nothing important.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Saya akan mampir ke rumah beliau dalam perjalanan pulang. That's alright, if that is the case. I will stop by at his house on my way home.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Saya bisa tunggu sampai dia kembali. That's alright, if that is the case. I can wait until he returns.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Tolong beritahu beliau bahwa saya akan keluar kota minggu ini. That's alright, if that is the case. Just tell him that I'll be out of town this week.
Baiklah, kalau begitu. Tolong minta beliau untuk telepon saya waktu beliau sudah kembali ya. That's alright, if that is the case. Ask him to call me when he returns please.
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