el ambiente - the environment vocabulary - Spanish


Spanish vocab, useful to revise for oral exam.
Sarah Egan
Flashcards by Sarah Egan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Sarah Egan
Created by Sarah Egan almost 9 years ago
Sarah Egan
Copied by Sarah Egan almost 9 years ago
Sarah Egan
Copied by Sarah Egan almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
El ambiente The environment
La polución Pollution
Contaminación industrial Industrial pollution
La fábrica Factory
El mar Sea
El bosque Forest/woods
La atmósfera The atmosphere
El aire Air
El auto Car
Cambio climático Climate change
la sequía Drought
Diluvio Flood
la lluvia Rain (n)
Deshacerse de To dump
La basura Rubbish
la energía Energy
Conservación Conservation
El calentamiento global Global warming
Reciclar Recycle
El problema Problem
La solución Solution
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