Glossary Unit 9 - Part 1


SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
bajak, membajak, pembajakan, pembajak hijack/piracy, to hijack/pirate, hijacking/pirating, hijack
bencana disaster, catastrophe
bius, membius, pembius anesthetic, anaesthetize, anesthetist
catat, mencatat, pencatatan, pencatat, catatan note, record; noted, record-keeping, recorder/note taker, note
cegah, mencegah, pencegahan, pencegah say by way of prohibition, to prevent/forbid/prohibit, prevention, detterent
celaka, mencelakai, mencelakakan, kecelakaan misfortune/bad luck/ disaster, to hurt, to cause trouble/to humiliate, accident/mishap
congkel, pencongkelan, pencongkel to pick (a lock), removing, thief (car)
copet, mencopet, pencopetan, pencopet a pickpocket, to pickpocket, pickpocketing, pickpocketed, a pickpocket
culik, menculik, penculikan, penculik kidnap, kidnaping, the abduction, kidnapper
curi, mencuri, pencurian steal, thief, theft
evakuasi, mengevakuasi evacuate, to evacuate
gasak, menggasak, penggasakan hit/strike, to hit/beat/attack, hitting/seizing
gelap, menggelapkan, penggelapan dark, to embezzle, embezzlement/fraud
geletak, menggeletak, tergeletak to sprawl, lie down
guncang/goncang, berguncang, mengguncangkan, terguncang, guncangan shake/rock, shaken, shock
hambur, berhamburan spread/scattered
hubung, berhubung, berhubungan, menghubungi, menghubungkan, perhubungan, penghubung, terhubung, hubungan connect, since/due to, be in contact/touch, to communicate with, to connect/associate, transportation, link/connection, connected/linked, contact/connection
hukum, menghukum, penghukuman, terhukum law, to sentence, the condemned, the
jambret, menjambret, penjambretan, jambretan, penjambret snatched/swiped, to snatch, snatcher
jarah, menjarah, penjarahan, penjarah looted, to sack/loot, plundering/looting, looter
jasad/jazad corpse/death body
jebol, menjebol, penjebolan, jebolan broken down/fall apart, to break down/force open/pry, destruction/demolishing, graduate/dropout
jelas, menjelaskan, penjelasan, kejelasan clear, to clarify, explanation, clarity
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