Created by pepob bobpeep
almost 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
Stakeholder Sidosryhmä | anybody with which the company deals, eg employees, customers, government. Subcontractor etc |
Subcontractor Alihankkija | company from which the company buys services or products (e.g. cleaning services or plastic covers for the radio). |
Equity Oma pääoma | the company's "own money" that never has to be paid back to anyone. |
Debt capital Vieras pääoma | debt money that the company sometimes has to pay back. |
Solvency Vakavaraisuus | the less debt, the more solvent the company is. |
Solvency Maksuvalmius | if the company is able to pay its debts, salaries, bills, bills, etc., its liquidity is good |
Bankruptcy Konkurssi | the company ceases to operate because it has lost its ability to pay |
Debt restructuring Velkasaneeraus | the company has lost its ability to pay, but the creditors give one last chance (e.g. by giving more time to pay the debts.) |
Rationalization Rationalisointi | rationalization = an attempt to save money (usually by laying off employees). |
Automation Automatisointi | people are replaced by machines. |
Merger Fuusio | two companies merge |
Monopoly Monopoli | there is no competition, a company operates alone in the market (e.g. Alko, Veikkaus) |
Cartel Kartelli | the company has subsidiaries (e.g. Huonekalutehdas owns a furniture store) |
Subsidiary Tytäryhtiö | company owned by the company |
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