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da best in da west
pepob bobpeep
Flashcards by pepob bobpeep, updated more than 1 year ago
pepob bobpeep
Created by pepob bobpeep almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Stakeholder Sidosryhmä anybody with which the company deals, eg employees, customers, government. Subcontractor etc
Subcontractor Alihankkija company from which the company buys services or products (e.g. cleaning services or plastic covers for the radio).
Equity Oma pääoma the company's "own money" that never has to be paid back to anyone.
Debt capital Vieras pääoma debt money that the company sometimes has to pay back.
Solvency Vakavaraisuus the less debt, the more solvent the company is.
Solvency Maksuvalmius if the company is able to pay its debts, salaries, bills, bills, etc., its liquidity is good
Bankruptcy Konkurssi the company ceases to operate because it has lost its ability to pay
Debt restructuring Velkasaneeraus the company has lost its ability to pay, but the creditors give one last chance (e.g. by giving more time to pay the debts.)
Rationalization Rationalisointi rationalization = an attempt to save money (usually by laying off employees).
Automation Automatisointi people are replaced by machines.
Merger Fuusio two companies merge
Monopoly Monopoli there is no competition, a company operates alone in the market (e.g. Alko, Veikkaus)
Cartel Kartelli the company has subsidiaries (e.g. Huonekalutehdas owns a furniture store)
Subsidiary Tytäryhtiö company owned by the company
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