anthro/psych/socio - THEORISTS: Grade 11


Flashcards on anthro/psych/socio - THEORISTS: Grade 11, created by Risza Karunakaran on 19/06/2023.
Risza Karunakaran
Flashcards by Risza Karunakaran, updated more than 1 year ago
Risza Karunakaran
Created by Risza Karunakaran over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Charles Darwin Proposed that species were forced to evolve or face extinction.
Jane Goodall Focused on studying chimpanzee behaviours; first to witness the chimpanzees creating and using tools
Margaret Mead Examined whether stress during adolescence was caused by adolescence itself or by society.
Mary & Louis Leakey Focused on primate evolution in Africa; they found one of the oldest primate fossils in human history
Birute Galdikas Observed orangutans; first to document the long orangutan birth interval
Donald Johanson Observed orangutans; first to document the long orangutan birth interval
Sigmund Freud All human behaviour is influenced by early childhood and that childhood experiences influence the unconscious mind throughout life
Karen Horney Social and cultural factors on personality development; conflicts arise due to feeling unsafe
Carl Jung The Psych consisting of: the collective unconscious, archetypes and personal unconscious
Albert Bandura Intro to social learning theory: learn through observing, imitating, and modeling others' behavior
Abraham Maslow A theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual's behavior
Ivan Pavlov Associative learning about conditioned reflexes to a stimulus
Erik Erikson Your ego identity/personality develops throughout your entire life
Jean Piaget Children go through four different learning stages used in educational setting
Emile Durkheim individuals identify themselves with society. (Ex. influence of cults
Karl Marx explored class conflict throughout history; inequality and differential distribution of wealth
Max Weber believed that sociologists must put themselves in the place of those they were studying to understand them.
Dorothy Smith Explores the experiences of women
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