Eastern Bird Identification


Study the birds of the Eastern Area. Answers include: Name Preferred Diet if applicable Additional Diet if applicable
Kendall McBrayer
Flashcards by Kendall McBrayer, updated more than 1 year ago
Kendall McBrayer
Created by Kendall McBrayer over 1 year ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hummingbird Nectar
Goldfinch Nyjer, Sunflower Chips Oil Sunflower
Indigo Bunting Millet
Carolina Wren Peanuts & Tree Nuts, Suet & Bark Butter
Black Capped Chickadee Oil & Striped Sunflower Safflower, Nyjer, Peanuts & Tree Nuts, Suet & Bark Butter
Nuthatch Peanuts & Tree Nuts, Sunflower Chips Oil & Striped Sunflower, Safflower, Suet & Bark Butter
House Finch Oil and Striped Sunflower, Sunflower Chips Safflower, Nyjer
Titmice Oil and Striped Sunflower, Peanuts & Tree Nuts Safflower, Sunflower Chips
Junco Millet Cracked Corn, Sunflower Chips
House Sparrow Millet Oil Sunflower
Towhee Millet Cracked Corn, Sunflower Chips
Woodpecker Peanuts & Tree Nuts, Suet & Bark Butter Oil & Striped Sunflower, Cracked Corn, Fruit, Sunflower Chips
Eastern Bluebird Sunflower Chips, Mealworms Suet & Bark Butter
Oriole Nectar, Fruit, Mealworms
Red-Winged Blackbird Cracked Corn Striped Sunflower, Millet
Starling Peanuts & Tree Nuts, Suet & Bark Butter
Catbird Fruit, Mealworms
Cardinal Oil & Striped Sunflower, Safflower Cracked Corn, Sunflower Chips
Mockingbird Fruit, Mealworms
American Robin Fruit, Mealworms
Blue Jay Striped Sunflower, Peanuts & Tree Nuts Oil Sunflower, Cracked Corn
Brown Thrasher Fruit, Millet, Sunflower Chips
Mourning Doves Cracked Corn, Millet Oil Sunflower, Safflower, Nyjer, Sunflower Chips
Northern Flicker Fruit, Mealworms
Grackle Oil & Striped Sunflower, Cracked Corn
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