
Chapter 7&8 key terms
Madison Harston
Flashcards by Madison Harston, updated more than 1 year ago
Madison Harston
Created by Madison Harston over 1 year ago

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cash discount. savings that results from early payment by taking advantage of discounts offered by the seller.
chain discounts two or more trade discounts that are applied to the balance remaining after the previous discount is taken
complement 100% less than the stated percent
credit period credit days are counted from date of invoice
discount period amount of time to take advantage of a cash discount
due dates maturity date or when the note will be repaid
end of credit period last day from date on invoice when customer can take cash discount
end of month EOM cash discount. period. begins at the end of the. month invoice is dated after the 25th. discount. period one additional month. results
FOB Destination seller pays cost of freight in getting goods to buyer's location
FOB shipping point buyer pays cost of freight in getting goods to his location
freight terms determine how freight will be paid. most common freight terms. are FOOB shipping point and FOB destination.
invoice document recording purchase and sales transaction
list price suggested retail price paid by customers
net price list price less amount of trade discount. the net price is before any cash discount
Net Price Equivalent rate when multiplied times the list price, this rate or factor produces the. actual cost to the buyer rate is found by taking the complements of. each term in the. discount and multiplying them together
ordinary dating cash discount is available within the discount period. full amount due by end of credit period if discount is missed
receipt of goods ROG used in. calculating the cash discount period, begins the day that the goods are received
series discount two or more trade discounts that are applied to the balance remaining after previous discount is taken
single equivalent discount rate rate or factor as a single discount that calculated the amount of the trade discount by multiplying the rate times the list price. This single equivalent discount replaces a series of chain discounts
single trade discount company gives only one trade discount
terms of sale criteria on invoice showing when cash discounts are available such as rate and time period
trade discount reduction off original selling price not related to early payment.
trade discount amount list price is less than net price
trade discount rate trade discount amount given in percent
breakeven point point at which seller has covered all. expenses and costs and has made no profit or suffered a loss
contribution margin difference between selling price and variable cost
cost price retailers pay to manufacturer or supplier to bring merchandise into store
dollar markdown Original selling price less than the reduction price. Markdown may be stated. as a percent of the original selling price
dollar markup selling price is less cost difference is the amount of the markup. Markup is also expressed in percent
fixed costs costs that do not change with increase or decrease in sales
gross profit difference between cost of bringing goods. into the store and selling price of the goods.
margin difference between cost of bringing goods into store and selling price of goods
markdowns reductions from original selling price caused by seasonal changes, special promotions
markup amount retailers add to cost of goods to cover operating expenses and to make a profit
Net profit gross profit - operating expenses
operating expenses regular expenses of doing business
percent markup on cost dollar markup divided by the cost
percent markup on selling price dollar markup divided by the selling price
perishables goods or services with a limited life
selling price cost + markup = selling price
variable costs costs that do change in response to change in volume of sales
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