Created by Julia Mendez
over 1 year ago
Question | Answer |
What is a factor? | Numbers that you multiply together to make a product. (the numbers you multiply together in a multiplication problem) |
What is the Prime Factorization of 54? | 54 /\ 9 x 6 /\ /\ 3 x 3 3 x 2 2x3x3x3 |
What does LCM stand for and what does it mean? | Least Common Multiple Find the first 8 multiples of each given number and find the one that the LOWEST multiple they have in common. |
Find the LCM of : 5 & 3 | 15 |
Find the LCM of : 5 & 10 | 10 |
What does GCF Stand for and what does it mean? | Greatest Common Factor List all of the factors of given numbers, find the GREATEST factors that you find in common. |
What is the LCM of 6 & 9 | 18 |
Solve. 1.7 + 4.03 = | 5.73 |
Solve. 0.8 x 0.25 = | 0.20 |
Solve. 1,440 divided by 36 | 40 |
Solve. 13.1 x 3.70 | 48.47 |
Solve. 7,236 divided by 9 | 804 |
Find the Prime Factorization of 36 | 36 /\ 6 x 6 /\ /\ 3 x 2 3 x 2 (2x2x3x3) |
Find the GCF of: 24 & 40 | 8 |
Find the GCF of : 150 & 175 | 25 |
List all the factors of: 40 | 1 x 4o 2 x 20 4 x 10 5 x 8 |
List all the Factors of: 54 | 1 x 54 2 x 27 3 x 17 6 x 9 |
Solve. 53.07 / 8.7 | 6.1 |
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