Pronunciation the Word


Here are words for Pratice my pronunciation
João Victor Grund de Oliveira
Flashcards by João Victor Grund de Oliveira, updated more than 1 year ago
João Victor Grund de Oliveira
Created by João Victor Grund de Oliveira over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
currently Meaning at the present time: Example Currently, about 82 billion pictures are printed each year.
conSIder Meaning to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: Example I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision.
extroverted Meaning an energetic person who enjoys being with other people: Example Most sales people are extroverts.
communicative Meaning willing to talk to people and give them information: Example He was in a bad mood at breakfast and wasn't very communicative.
incredible Meaning impossible, or very difficult, to believe: Example an incredible story
adorable Meaning used to describe someone or something that makes you love or like them, usually because they are attractive and often small: Example She has the most adorable two-year-old girl.
attached Meaning to like someone or something very much: Example I'm very attached to my old guitar.
supplies Meaning food or other things necessary for living: Example We need to make sure our soldiers have the supplies they need.
Additionally Meaning also or in addition: Example Additionally, we request a deposit of $200 in advance.
selling Meaning the activity of making products and services available so that people buy them: Example Market strategists expect some frenzied early selling when trading resumes.
often Meaning many times: Example I often see him in the garden.
Regarding Meaning about: Example The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.
preachings Meaning (especially of a priest or minister in a church) to give a religious speech: Example Father Martin preached to the assembled mourners.
anointed Meaning (of a person) made holy in a religious ceremony that involves putting holy water or oil on them: Example anointed by God
fulfilled Meaning feeling happy because you are getting everything that you want from life: Example For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled.
through Meaning from one end or side of something to the other: Example They walked slowly through the woods.
attend Meaning to go to an event, place, etc.: Example Over two hundred people attended the funeral.
directly Meaning without anything else being involved or in between: Example The sun shone directly in my eyes.
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