Created by adamharries
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Health: was defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), in 1948 as: | “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” |
Safety: may be considered to be... | the state of being safe, i.e. free from the unacceptable risk of injury, danger, or loss. |
Society exerts pressure through three overlapping and interacting spheres of influence... | Moral Legal Financial |
Typical numbers each year Fatal injuries (all workers) | 245 |
Typical numbers each year Notified major injuries (e.g. broken arm or leg) | 29 000 |
Typical numbers each year Reported ‘over 3 day’ injury (unable to do normal work for more than 3 days) | 110 000 |
Typical numbers of cases over recent years Musculoskeletal disorders | 540 000 |
Typical numbers of cases over recent years Stress, depression and anxiety | 420 000 |
Typical numbers of cases over recent years Breathing or lung problems | 38 000 |
Typical numbers of cases over recent years Infectious diseases | 37 000 |
Estimate of deaths each year Occupational cancers (general) | 8 000 |
Estimate of deaths each year Asbestos related cancers | 4 000 |
The HSE estimates that occupational injuries and illnesses cost the UK in the region of... | £20 to £30 billion pounds each year |
Financial costs are... | the basic costs incurred to return the situation to what it was before an accident happened. |
Opportunity costs (or lost opportunity costs) are... | those incurred through: people stood idle or being unproductive as a result of dealing with the consequences of an accident; and energy costs from plant running idle and buildings being lit and heated. |
three methods for quickly and crudely estimating uninsured costs of accidents... | (1) the uninsured costs of an accident are approximately 10x the insurance premiums paid. (2) Uninsured losses from accidents in smaller firms add up to £315 per employee per year (3) The average uninsured cost of an accident causing absence from work is approximately £2100 |
Average damages for an ELI claim | £7,500 |
The managers key responsibilities are to ensure that: (4) | the significant hazards and risks in their area of responsibility have been identified and are being effectively controlled; employees have been informed, instructed and trained regarding relevant hazards and appropriate safeguards and are competent to do their jobs safely; lines of communication with the workforce are established and that workers are engaged and involved in the management of workplace risks; and monitoring systems are established and operating effectively to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of control. |
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