turkish studying


Turkish Flashcards on turkish studying, created by Sousse Sousse on 27/01/2024.
Sousse Sousse
Flashcards by Sousse Sousse, updated more than 1 year ago
Sousse Sousse
Created by Sousse Sousse about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1) “It is a natural tool that provides agreement between people, a living being with its own laws and developing only within the framework of these laws, a system of secret agreements whose foundation was laid at unknown times, a social institution woven from voices.” Language
The German philosopher Heidegger said: “Language is the house of man”. Which of the following. Could you explain this phrase? Every nation creates its language according to its own needs, just as the material taken from nature is reshaped in accordance with needs.
“……, which is a system of sound signals, is the most advanced communication tool that enables people living in the same community or of the same nationality to communicate.” How should the blank in the sentence be filled? Language
“Language and thought develop in harmony. If one's language develops, the horizon of thought also develops.” Which feature of language does the above statement refer to? Language is an indicator of thought.
Which of the following IS NOT one of the features showing the "importance of language in creating national unity"? The more foreign languages a nation knows, the more civilized it is.
Linguist Saussure compares language to chess. Rules are important in chess. Each of the pieces such as king, queen and bishop has a different function and movement ability. The rules determine the relationship between these pieces; However, the player plays the game as he wishes within the framework of these rules. Which feature of the language does the above example belong to? Language is the indicator of thought.
“The texts of ………….., which are considered the oldest documents, date back 5500 years.” Which of the following should fill the gap in the sentence? Sumerian
There are views that words are based on imitation of sounds in nature. Man hears the animals, wind, water, etc. in nature. He imitated his voice and thus the first words were formed. What are such words called? Onomatopoeic (onomatopoeic) words.
Which group does Turkish belong to in terms of structure and origin among the world languages? Agglutinative / Ural-Altai
“It is quite easy to derive new words and terms in agglutinative languages. In this respect, Turkish is a language suitable for generating new words and it has a rich suffix system.” Based on the above judgement, to what could the French Neurologist Jean Deny compare the perfection of the Turkish language? Mathematics formula
Which of the following is one of the views put forward about the "origin of language"? The agreements that people made with various signs (gestures) at first, later turned into simple calls and exclamations.
"According to Herodotus, In 7 B.C Egyptian ruler Psammetik provided a suitable environment for two newborn children to grow up without being spoken to. But children don't talk at all.” Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on this data? Since speaking is an activity learned by hearing, children do not speak.
“Turkish is …………… in terms of structure among the languages of the world. It belongs to the language group; In terms of origin, ……………. It belongs to the Altai branch of the language family.” Which words should fill the gaps in the sentence, respectively? Suffixed / Ural-Altai
Which of the following is not a feature of the Ural-Altaic language group? In Turkish, case suffixes come before plural and possessive suffixes.
Which of the following IS NOT among the "Languages of the World in terms of Structure"? Integrating languages.
Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian languages belong to which language family? Romanian (Latin) languages
Which of the following is not one of the languages belonging to the Altai branch, to which Turkish also belongs? Finnish.
“It is very easy to derive new words and terms in agglutinative languages. In this respect, Turkish is a language suitable for deriving new words and has a rich suffix system.” Based on the above judgement, to what might the French Turkologist Jean Deny compare the perfection of the structure of Turkish? Mathematics formula
Language shows the thought system of a nation. Since people reflect what they think in language, a language reveals how the nation that uses it thinks and how their mind works; It reveals the national way of thinking. A nation's views of life, ways of thinking, sharpness of mind, depth of soul and subtlety of emotion are hidden in the language of that nation. Proverbs and sayings are the best signs of this.” Which maxim might the paragraph above explain? Language is the mirror of thought.
Which of the following is one of the views put forward about the "origin of language"? The agreements that people initially reached with various signs (gestures) later turned into simple calls and exclamations.
What is the oldest known written Turkish text? Köktürk (Orhun) Inscriptions.
“On the day when Turkish is declared the official language, on 13 May every year …………. is celebrated.” Which of the following should fill in the blank in the sentence? The Language Day
Which institution did Atatürk establish in 1932 in order to purify our language from foreign words and to develop and enrich our written and spoken language? Turkish Language Investigation Society
Why are the "First Turkish and Main Turkish" periods of Turkish considered as the "dark period"? Since we do not have the written documents remaining from this period.
The two main dialects of Turkish in the dark period were …………. has emerged.” Complete the gaps in the sentence. Yakut and Chuvash
Texts from the Old Turkish period, which was influential between the 6th and 13th centuries, are grouped into three groups. Which of the following gives these groups completely and correctly? Göktürk, Uyghur and Karakhanid texts
In which period were works such as Divân-ı Hikmet, Atabetü'l-Hakayık, Dîvânü Lûgati't-Türk and Kutadgu Bilig, which bear the influence of the Islamic period, written? During the Karakhanid period
During which periods did Western Turkish, based on the Oghuz dialect, continue its development? Old Anatolian Turkish, Ottoman Turkish and Modern Turkish.
When did the Turkey Turkish period officially begin? With the conquest of Istanbul in 1453.
Which of the following is not among the dialects of Turkish? Celtic
Between 1937-1940, 20 different Cyrillic alphabets were used by the Turks by the Stalin regime. What might have led to the social aspect of each Turkish tribe's use of different alphabets? It caused the weakening of cultural exchange between Turkish tribes.
If the migrations of Turkish tribes are interpreted in the name of the “development of the Turkish language”, which of the following can be said? The original culture has been enriched with other cultures in interaction.
The texts belonging to the Old Turkish period are collected in three groups.” Which are these? These are Gokturk, Uighur and Karakhanid texts.
In the period of the Karakhanids, the first Muslim Turkish state, works such as , …....., …....., …...... which had the effects of Islamic culture, were written. Which of the following is not suitable for filling in the blanks? Mesnevi
"The last period of Western Turkish is Türkiye Turkish. It is a written language that started with the …................. and continues to exist today." How to fill in the blank in the sentence? 1908 Constitutional Monarchy
"Turkish of the Contemporary Period" was divided into sections such as …...................." Which of the following cannot fill the blank in the sentence? Uighur Turkish
“It is a signed application letter written to official or private institutions and organizations, real and legal persons in order to announce a request, a complaint or to provide information on any subject. Every Turkish citizen has the right to submit this letter to official institutions, and this right is guaranteed by the constitution.” Which of the following is the article mentioned above? Petition.
Which of the following IS NOT one of the issues to be considered when writing a petition? The problem, situation or wish should be written in full detail and in personal statements.
“If there is a complaint in the petition, the problem must be ………. and …….. should be explained on the basis of.” How to fill in the blanks in the sentence? Documents / witnesses
If more than one person is going to make the same wish on a common issue, they should also state their wishes separately ………….” How should the sentence be completed? With petitions
Which of the following IS NOT one of the characteristics that a good resume (CV) should have? Property owned, such as a house and a car, should be mentioned.
Which of the following is an "image damaging" element in a resume (CV)? Making changes to your resume by handwriting.
Which of the following IS NOT one of the information that should be included in a resume (CV)? Sports done
Which of the following should NOT be included in the "knowledge, skills and abilities" section of a resume (CV)? If any instrument is played, the level of it.
Which of the following is an incorrect judgment about the "references" section in a resume (CV)? Reference should be selected from relatives and friends.
Which of the following IS NOT one of the things to consider when writing a blog? Focusing on personal issues rather than social issues.
Which of the following IS NOT one of the channels that can be looked at to get new topic ideas while writing a blog? Government offices.
For example, let's say you want to write an article about chocolate chip cookies. Which of the following would qualify as "a tip and recommendation article offering expert guidance and resources"? "Tips for Thickening Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies"
“Learning how to write catchy blog titles is not difficult, all you have to do is keep these points in mind: …… ; ……. ; …….. ” Which of the following IS NOT suitable to fill in the blanks in the sentence? Exposing personal problems.
Which of the following could be the "intro" sentence of a block? Have you ever tried to read any folk poetry anthology from beginning to end?...
Which of the following is a "solution-oriented" blog title? 20 Best Time Management Apps to Get Your Life in Order
Which of the following IS NOT one of the things to do to be a good blogger? We should copy and paste the articles we like on our own page.
Turkish readers are introduced to novels through the translation of French novels. Which of the following matches the first translated novel and author correctly? Yusuf Kâmil Paşa, Telemak.
Which of the following is the first copyrighted novel and its author in Turkish literature? Şemsettin Sâmi, Ta’aşşuk-ı Talat ve Fıtnat.
Which is the first work and its author written in the "story" genre in the world? Boccacio, “Decameron”.
We can use CTA to improve our ? Blog
What are the "story types" seen in Turkish and World literature? Event and situation history.
Which of the following is the story genre whose pioneer in the world is the French writer Guy de Maupassant and whose representatives in our country are Ömer Seyfettin and Refik Halit Karay? Event history.
“Stutation from any part of life” which kind of stories? Case story.
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