
L&S Vocab
Ash A
Flashcards by Ash A, updated more than 1 year ago
Ash A
Created by Ash A over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
daredevil a person who fears nothing and will attempt anything
hullabaloo excitement; chaotic activity
irresistible too strong to oppose or withstand
motivate to give encouragement or a reason for action
pull off to accomplish something very difficult
seeker a person who looks for something
stunt a difficult or dangerous action
take up to begin a new hobby or activity
by and large for the most part; generally
catch your eye to get/capture your attention
consumer a user or buyer of a product
create a stir to create excitement
crux the main point or factor of n issue
eye opener a surprising fact that leads to a new realization
hammer a point home to strongly emphasize a point
illustrious famous for positive qualities
infamous famous for negative reasons
insinuate to suggest indirectly; to imply
ploy a trick
reside (in) to live to exist in
shamelessly without embarrassment or shame
split second an instant
subliminal subconscious
widget a nickname used for any small invention or product
chaotic disorganised;
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