consumer studies


Junior Certificate Business Studies Flashcards on consumer studies, created by Deirdre Molloy on 26/02/2024.
Deirdre Molloy
Flashcards by Deirdre Molloy, updated 10 months ago More Less
Created by maireaddewar about 11 years ago
Deirdre Molloy
Copied by Deirdre Molloy 10 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
consumers anyone who buys goods or services
what is the difference between goods and services? goods are products that are bought e.g. food, clothes services are doing work for another usually involving payment e.g. hairdresser, car repair
what are needs and wants? "Need" is something that is essential for survival like food, water or shelter. "Want" is something that you don't really need, but if you had it, it could make your life a bit better.
needs and wants change depending on what? age, culture, circumstances
what is a priority? a priority is something you put first and is very important to you.
what are the consumer rights? the right to truthful information, the right to choose the right to value for money the right to safety the right to redress
what is a monopoly? a monopoly happens when there is only one supplier of a product or service i.e. there is no competition e.g. ESB
what is redress? 1. Refund 2. Replace 3. Repair
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