2A - idioms


Flashcards on 2A - idioms , created by Oliver Jaan Trembos on 01/06/2024.
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Flashcards by Oliver Jaan Trembos, updated 9 months ago
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Created by Oliver Jaan Trembos 9 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
be a bit of a bookworm A person who spends a large or excessive amount of time reading
heavy going difficult to do or finish
I coundnt get into it you tried to be interested in something, but it didn't work. Use it to talk about books, movies, TV shows, plays, etc.
judge a book by its cover to stereotype something by what is on the outside
a real page-turner a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly
read between the lines look for or discover a meaning that is implied rather than explicitly stated
to cut a long story short to summarize a long or complicated story by only mentioning the main point
good bedtime reading/story a book that is great for late night reading
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