Relationship and choices


High School/Secondary Exams French (Lifestyle) Flashcards on Relationship and choices, created by paige_mcconville on 06/04/2013.
Flashcards by paige_mcconville, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paige_mcconville over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ennui boredom
enquête investigation
envahir to invade
épouser to marry
espoir hope
étonnant surprising
étrange strange
Aimable Kind
éviter to avoid
Aîné Older
Ami/e Friend
Amical Friendly
Amour Love
S'appeler To be called
Avoir To have
féliciter to congratulate
Avoir... Ans To be... Years old
Barbe Beard
Battre To beat
fêter to celebrate
Bavarder To chat/gossip
Bête Animal
fier proud
Bouclé Loop
fou mad/crazy
Chat Cat
Cheval Horse
Chômage Unemployment
humilier to humiliate
Connaître To know
Dame Lady
Se disputer To quarrel
S'entendre To get on
Fâché Angry
Femme Woman
ado teenager
Heureux Happy
inconnu unknown
Homme Man
animé lively/busy
Jeune Young
bague ring
jaloux jealous
Malheureux Miserable
Mari Husband
baiser kiss
jeunesse youth
Méchant Nasty
bonheur happiness
oiseau Bird
Pauvre Poor
Pénible Hard
cacher to hide
jumeau twin
pleurer To cry
Poli Polite
Porter To carry/to wear
caractère character
Remercier To thank
laid ugly
rendez-vous Appointment
célibataire single
Rire To laugh
lutter to fight
Seul Alone
Sondage Survey
chrétien Christian
Sourire Smile
Triste Sad
compter sur to count on
vérité Truthfulness
Vieux Old
Visage Face
conseil advice
Voisin Neighbouring
coupable guilty
déçu disappointed
maigre thin/skinny
déranger to disturb
dette debt
douter to doubt
maladroit clumsy
effrayant frightening
égal equal
menacer to threaten
mourir to die
naître to be born
plaisir pleasure
rêver to dream
sentiment feeling
veuf widowed
vol theft
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