Chapter 1 Flashcards


discussion post 1
Jack Lubischer
Flashcards by Jack Lubischer, updated 6 days ago
Jack Lubischer
Created by Jack Lubischer 6 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Addends Number that combined in the addition process.
Decimal Point Center of the decimal system - separates units and tenths
Decimal System The U.S. base 10 numbering sytem that uses the 10 digits shown on a calculator.
Difference Answer of a subtraction problem.
Dividend Number in the division process that is being divided by another
Divisor Number in the division process that is dividing another.
Minuend In a subtraction problem, the larger number which is being subtracted from.
Multiplicand The first or top number being multiplied.
Partial Product Number between multiplier and product.
Partial Quotient occurs when the divisor doesn't divide evenly into the dividend.
Product Answer of a multiplication problem.
Quotient The answer of a division problem.
Remainder Leftover amount in division
Rounding all the way Process to estimate actual answer; only one nonzero digit is left.
Subtrahend Smaller number that is being subtracted from another in a subtraction problem.
Sum Total in the addition process.
Whole Number A number that is 0 or larger that doesn't contain a decimal or fraction.
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