Question | Answer |
Cancellation | Reducing process that is used to simplify the multiplication and division of fractions |
Common Denominators | To add 2 or more fractions, denominators must be the same |
Denominator | Number below the bar/ EX: 8/9 9 being the denominator |
Equivilant | 2 or more fractions equivalent in value |
Fraction | Express a part of a whole number/ EX: 5/6 is 5 pieces out of 6 |
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) | Largest possible number that will divide evenly into both the numerator and denominator |
Higher Terms | Expressing fraction with a new numerator and denominator that is equivalent to the original/ EX: 2/9=6/27 |
Improper Fraction | Fraction value greater than or equal to 1, numerator greater than or equal to the denominator |
Least Common Denominator (LCD) | Smallest nonzero whole number. All denominator will divide evenly |
Like Fractions | Proper fractions with the same denominator |
Lowest Terms | Expressing fraction when no number divides evenly into the numerator and denominator except 1 |
Mixed Numbers | Sum of whole number and fraction/ EX: 2 1/4 |
Numerator | top number on the fraction bar/ EX: 8/7 where 8 is the numerator |
Prime Numbers | Whole numbers bigger than 1 only divisible by itself and 1 |
Proper Fraction | Fraction with a value less than 1/ EX: 1/3 |
Reciprocal | Interchanging of numerator and denominator inverted/ EX: 1/3 -> 3/1 |
Unlike Fractions | Proper fractions with different denominators/ EX: 7/8 and 3/5 |
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