How did Black Americans react to changes in their position


How did Black Americans react to changes in their position
Darcey Griffiths
Flashcards by Darcey Griffiths, updated 7 months ago
Darcey Griffiths
Created by Darcey Griffiths 7 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Booker T Washington- who was he Born into slavery in Virginia- Principal of one of the leading African American colleges at Tuskegee Alabama
Booker T Washington- motivations Concentration on economic progress for African Americans rather than social and political equality- saw those 2 as long term goal- wanted education with focus on practical skills would help gain status/ earn respect from white Americans- persuade them to grant concessions
Booker T Washington- protest methods Labeled accommodationist- accept white supremacy until African Americans advanced economically/ socially
Booker T Washington- effectiveness - leading spokesman for African Americans- frequently consulted with presidents/ politicians- secured northern white investment into African American education- no. African Americans in teaching went from 68,356 to 136,925 1910-1930
Booker T Washington- effectiveness- more Fought legal action against an attempt to exclude African Americans from jury services- 1904 Also secretly supported court actions to challenge disenfranchisement of African Americans- wasn't always compliant and passive But economic advance of African Americans by his death in 1915 was meagre- his school also only taught carpentry and farming
W.E.B Du Bois- who were they Massachusetts born academic- graduated from Frisk university in 1885- spent 2 years in Berlin and returned to Harvard- professor at Atlanta
W.E.B Du Bois- Motivations Believed African Americans should not take menial work- campaign for political/social rights
W.E.B Du Bois-Methods of protest Wrote a book in 1903- The Souls of Black Folk- demanded civil rights, end to segregation, equality in politics and society- later edited NAACP's magazine Formed educated elite of African Americans- 'The talented tenth' - to lead fight for equality Formed Niagara movement in 1905- formed NAACP
W.E.B Du Bois- Effectiveness professor- challenging stereotypes wanted to not comply- fight for social/ political rights Helped form NAACP- formed in 1909- outlasted Du Bois Wrote books- challenged stereotypes
Ida Wells- who were they Born into slavery in 1862 Friend Tom Moss was lynched- had opened peoples grocery in Memphis- supposedly took business from white owners- shoot out in store- Moss and Partners dragged to city jail and lynched
Ida Wells- Motivations Her experiences with racial injustice fueled her passion for investigative journalism. Wells co-owned and wrote for the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper, where she began her anti-lynching crusade.
Ida Wells- methods of protest Wrote book abt horrors of lynching- campaigned in courts against railroad car segregation in Tennessee 1884-1887 1898- wrote to president McKinley- demanded gov intervention in southern states to stop lynching- published 1901
Ida Wells Effectiveness While unsuccessful in campaign against railroad car segregation- attracted national attention by writing about lynching horrors Wrote to President- highly influential for revealing scale of lynching and reasons for it
Ida Wells Effectiveness more But... campaigning made her a target for reprisals forced to abandon home in Memphis- move to Chicago in 1882 Neither Supreme Court nor Federal gov was persuaded to take action - argued it was for local states to deal with
NAACP- who were they Race riots happened in 1908 Illinois- 2 African Americans lynched, 6 others murdered, 4 whites killed, hundreds injured- Springfield was Lincolns old home- inspired white call for conference on centenary of Lincolns birth to campaign for civil rights- out came the NAACP
NAACP aims abolish segregation campaign for equal voting rights campaign for improved educational facilities Enforce 14th and 15th ammendments
NAACP methods of protest WEB Du Bois became editor of NAACP's magazine crisis- Ida Wells was supporter Organisation emphasised importance of court action to achieve civil rights for African Americans marches- helped organise march on Washington Main method of protest- using the courts
NAACP effectiveness NAACP- won belated but important victories in 1915 when supreme court declared grandfather clauses in Oklahoma and Maryland unconstitutional and in 1917 when Louisville regulation allowing residential segregation was declared invalid
NAACP effectiveness- more NAACP developed into national organization with 90,000 members in 1920s helped march on Washington and influenced changes to constitution but... Achievements were limited until it had larger leadership
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