Key Terms Chapter 7 Discounts: Trade and Cash


Key terms for Chapter 7 Discounts: Trade and Cash
Kyra Louthan
Flashcards by Kyra Louthan, updated 4 months ago
Kyra Louthan
Created by Kyra Louthan 4 months ago

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Question Answer
Cash Discount A discount for prompt payment
Chain Discount Two or more trade discounts that are applied to the balance remaining after the previous discount is taken. Often called series discount
Complement The difference between the single discount rate and 100%. What percent the buyer will pay
Credit Period The time period that sellers give buyers to pay their invoices
Discount Period Reduction from the invoice price, if buyers pay the invoice within a specified time
Due Dates Maturity date, or when the not will be repaid
End of Credit Period Last day from date of invoice when customer can take cash discount
End of Month (EOM) (also proximo) Cash discount period begins at the end of the month invoice is dated. After the 25th discount period, one additional month results
FOB Destination Seller pays the freight cost until it reaches the buyer's place of business. Title doesn't transfer to the buyer until the goods reach the buyers place of business
FOB Shipping Point Buyer pays the freight cost of getting the goods to the place of business and title transfers to the buyer once the goods are shipped
Freight Terms Determine how freight will be paid. Most common freight terms are FOB Shipping Point and FOB Destination
Invoice Document recording purchase and sales transactions
List Price Suggested retail price paid by customers
Net Price List price less amount of trade discount. The net price is before any cash discount
Net Price Equivalent Rate When multiplied times the list price, this rate/factor produces the actual cost to the buyer. Rate is found by taking the complement of each item in the discount and multiplying them together (do not round off)
Ordinary Dating Cash discount is available within the discount period. Full amount due by end of credit period if discount is missed
Receipt of Goods (ROG) Used in calculating the cash discount period; begins the day that the goods are received
Series Discounts Two or more trade discounts that are applied to the balance remaining after the previous discount is taken
Single Equivalent Discount Rate The discount rate (%) a retailer receives when only one discount is given by the manufacturer/wholesaler
Single Trade Discount The discount amount ($) a retailer receives when only one discount is given by the manufacturer/wholesaler
Terms of the Sale Criteria on invoice showing when cash discounts are available, such as rate and time period
Trade Discount The amount of the discount the retailers receive off the list price
Trade Discount Amount List price less net price
Trade Discount Rate Trade discount amount given in percent
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