Chapter 10 - Key Terms


Chapter 10 of Practical Business Math Procedures covers simple interest and the terms related to it. It goes over formulas, the date terms used, and different methods used.
Laney Feek
Flashcards by Laney Feek, updated 15 days ago
Laney Feek
Created by Laney Feek 15 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Adjusted Balance The balance after partial payment less interest is subtracted from the principal.
Banker's Rule Time is exact days/360 in calculating simple interest.
Exact Interest Calculating simple interest using 365 days per year in time.
Interest Principal x Rate x Time
Maturity Value Principal plus interest (if interest is charged). Represents amount due on the due date.
Ordinary Interest Calculating simple interest using 360 days per year in time.
Principal Amount of money that is originally borrowed, loaned, or deposited.
Simple Interest Interest is only calculated on the principal. In I=P*R*T, the interest plus original principal equals the maturity value of an interest-bearing note.
Simple Interest Formula Simple Ineterst (I) = Principal (P) * Rate (R) * Time (T)
Time Expressed as years or fractional years, used to calculate simple interest.
U.S. Rule Method that allows the borrower to receive proper interest credits when paying off a loan in more than one payment before the maturity date.
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