Key Terms for Chapter 10: Simple Interest


Key Terms for chapter 10: Simple Interest
Kyra Louthan
Flashcards by Kyra Louthan, updated 13 days ago
Kyra Louthan
Created by Kyra Louthan 13 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Adjusted Balance Balance after partial payment less interest is subtracted from the principal
Banker's Rule The use of the ordinary interest method
Exact Interest Used by the Federal Reserve banks and the federal government. Uses a 365 day year
Interest The cost of borrowing money I=PxRxT
Maturity Value Amount due on the due date MV=P+I
Ordinary Interest Uses a 360 day calendar (Used by banks)
Principal Amount of money that is originally borrowed, loaned, or deposited
Simple Interest The cost of the loan, usually for 1 year or less
Simple Interest Formula I=PxRxT
Time Used to calculate simple interest, and expressed as years or fractional years
US Rule Method that allows the borrower to receive proper interest credits when paying off a loan in more than one payment before maturity date
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