Gravitational Fields (Kepler, etc)


Kepler's law 1,2 Newton's law of gravitation
Vladislav Shalonin
Flashcards by Vladislav Shalonin, updated 4 days ago
Vladislav Shalonin
Created by Vladislav Shalonin 4 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Kepler's First Law The orbit of a planet is a ellipse, with the Sun at one of the two foci
Geostationary Satellite Satellite remains above the same point of the Earth as the Earth rotates
3 Conditions for orbit to be geostationary 1 - In orbit above Earth's equator 2 - Rotate in the same direction as the Earth's rotation 3 - Have an orbital period of 24 hours.
Newton's Law of Gravitation The force between two masses is directly proportional to the product of the two masses (F ∝ Mm) and inversely proportional to the square of their separation (F ∝ 1/r^2)
Kepler's Second Law (line segment one) A line segment joining the planet and the sun, sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time
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