OFL World History A Unit 1


High school World History Unit 1 study guide on flashcards.
Hilary Johnson
Flashcards by Hilary Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Hilary Johnson
Created by Hilary Johnson over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

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Question Answer
Patron people who financially supported artists
Perspective an artistic technique showing three dimensions of a flat surface
Vernacular the everyday language of people in a region or country
Solon passed a law outlawing slavery based on debt; established four classes of citizenship based on wealth rather than heredity; created the Council of Four Hundred
Cliesthenes regarded as the founder of democracy in Athens; created the Council of Five Hundred that proposed laws and counseled the assembly
Aristotle Greek philosopher who examined the nature of the world and of human belief, thought, and knowledge; wrote Politics
Leonardo da Vinci an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist; considered a true “Renaissance man”
Johann Gutenberg developed a printing press, making it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply
Plato Greek philosopher who felt that society should be governed by philosopher-kings; wrote The Republic
Albrecht Durer produced prints that portrayed religious subjects, classical myths, or realistic landscapes
Direct Democracy a form of government in which citizens rule and make laws directly rather than through representatives
Diaspora when Jews were exiled from their homeland to many parts of the world, where they shared their beliefs that all people had the right to be treated with justice and dignity
Republic a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to elect the leaders who make governmental decisions
Twelve Tables written law codes of the Romans
Roman Law's Influence on Democracy -gave the world the idea of a republic -an individual is a citizen in a state rather than the subject of a ruler -written legal code that should be applied equally and impartially to all citizens
The Renaissance the brilliant cultural movement that arose in Italy in the 1300s
According to Hebrew Tradition the responsibility of the individual and communiy is to... oppose injustice and oppression, and to assist the unfortunate
The Qur'an the holy book of Islam
Muhammad Islam is based on his teachings
Polytheism the belief in more than one God
Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance because... -had thriving cities where people were interested in the exchange of ideas -had a wealthy merchant class interested in the arts -had the classical heritage of Greece and Rome
"Renaissance man" a person who excels in many fields of study
Merchants thought they deserved power during the Renaissance because of... individual merit
Niccolo Machiavelli wrote "The Prince"
Leonardo da Vinci painted the "Mona Lisa"
Secular concerned with the here and now and not with spiritual matters
The northern Renaissance different from the Italian Renaissance because... northern Renaissance artists were more focused on realism in their art
Christian humanism is based on... the belief that human beings will know right from wrong if they lived according to the Bible
Jan van Eyck northern Renaissance artist who used oil-based paints to develop a new technique that created subtle colors in clothing and jewelry, and whose paintings displayed unusually realistic details and revealed the personality of the subjects
Shakespeare's work showed Renaissance influences by... -being inspired by classic works -displaying a deep understanding of human beings
Movable print didn't work in China because... China’s writing system had thousands of different characters, which made movable type impractical
The major effect of the printing press was... The process made it possible to produce books quickly and cheap enough that many could buy them, not just the rich
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