Unit 1: Population


Nicole CA
Flashcards by Nicole CA, updated 4 months ago
Nicole CA
Created by Nicole CA 4 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
-Population Group of people who live in a territory in a specific moment
-Density Measurement of the number of people in an area.
-Demography Science that studies the human populations (dimension, characteristics, structure and evolution)
-Life expectancy Average of years that a person is expected to live.
The global average death rate Is around 8‰.
Generational renewal (Fertility rate) Is 2.1, below this, the population would decrease.
Infant mortality Is the main human development indicator of countries.
-Migrations Movement of the population from one place to another.
-Emigration Departure of inhabitants
-Domestic emigration Only departures inside the same country
-Foreign emigration Departures to other countries
-Immigration Arrival of persons,
-Refugees People who left their countries and have crossed borders due to wars or political conflicts.
Until 19th century The population increased very slow due to wars, epidemics and famines.
Since 20th century The population increased significantly due to the large advances of the IR, medicine and diets.
High density areas -Temperate zone -River valley -Low-lying strips of land -Coastal areas -Lower elevation
Demographic deserts -Polar region -Desert -Impenetrable forest -Mountain region -High elevation
Birth rate: Underdeveloped countries -Rate: more than 20‰ -Causes: traditions and family principles -Policies: anti-birth policies
Birth rate: Developed countries -Rate: less than 20‰ -Causes: birth control methods and the cost -Policies: pro-birth policies
Death rate: Less developed countries Sometimes epidemics and famines cause deaths, altought there are improvements.
Death rate: Developing countries Longevity of individuals.
Causes of population movements -Wars and political conflicts -Socio-economic causes (main reason) -Demographic diversity
Socio-economic causes Population go from underdeveloped countries to developed countries.
Demographic diversity Underdeveloped countries have high birth rates and low death rates, while developed countries have a decreasing population. This creates demographic pressure, where people from underdeveloped countries travel to the richest ones.
Countries where people arrive: Positive factors -Compensation of the ageing of the population. -Supporting social security. -They are workforce. -Openess to other countries.
Countries where people arrive: Negative factors -Reduction in work available. -Decrease in salaries for less qualified jobs. -Demand for social servicies. -Xenophobic or racist reactions.
Countries of origin of immigrants: Positive factors -Reduces overpopulation -Remittances -Experience and training when they return.
Countries of origin of immigrants: Negatice factors -Family fragmentation -Ageing of the population -Jobs in the host countries are badly paid and less qualified -Different culture
Structure by age -Children and youths: 0-14 years -Adults: 15-64 years -Elderly persons: >65 years
Sex Men and women
Triangular or pagoda pyramid Birth rate: high Death rate: high Life expectancy: short Countries: underdeveloped Main Group: young population Natural growth rate: progressive
Bell-shaped pyramind Birth rate: limited Death rate: low Life expectancy: increasing Countries: developing Main Group: adult Natural growth rate: stagnant
Bulb-shaped pyramid Birth rate: low Death rate: low Life expectancy: increase Countries: developed countries Main Group: ageing Natural growth rate: declining
BR (birth rate) births in one year --------------------------------- x 1000 total population
DR (death rate) deaths in one year --------------------------------- x 1000 total population
FR (fertility rate) Children born in one year --------------------------------------- x 1000 Women between 15 and 49 years
IM (infant mortality) Children who die before the age of 1 ---------------------------------------------------- x 1000 Child who born in that year
MB (migratory balance) Immigrants - Emigrants
NG (natural growth) Number of births - Number of deaths
NGR (natural growth rate) Birth rate - Death rate
RG (real growth) Migratory Balance + Natural Growth
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