Rise Of Power


Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Modern History (Nazism in Germany) Flashcards on Rise Of Power, created by carey.april on 10/11/2015.
Flashcards by carey.april, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carey.april over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Why did the Nazi's gain a mass following? - Nationalist Appeal - Nazi Party Tactics -violence -propaganda - Broad Appeal to Germany Society - The Role Of Hitler
What circumstances gave Hitler power? - economic suffering caused by the GD - Nazi's stayed within the legal system - Sought power with the constitution - Men in charge and their failure to see the danger and intent of Hitler and the Nazi Party. - democracy had become de-credited with failure of Weimar.
Legal Dictator Although Hitler said he would gain power legally, the reality was that from the start, that the Nazi's used force and intimidation.
Who were the main targets for the force? Communists Socialists
How was the use of force made easier? Herman Goring - he was a Nazi Party member and was also in control of 90,000 strong Prussian Police Force.
When did Hitler demand the new elections for? March 1933
What were the SS and SA used for in 1933? SS and SA were used as auxiliary police, which was increased by 5,000 in February 1933.
When was the Reichstag Fire? 27 February 1933 - one week before the political elections.
What was the Reichstag Fire? A fire started at the Reichstag's building. it was set alight and burnt down.
What came from the Reichstag fire? Nazi's took full advantage of it. They sue it as an excuse to blame the communists - leading to 4,000 arrests the next day and a ban on communist publications.
What is Article 48? Article 48 allowed the President, under certain circumstances, to take emergency measures without the prior consent of the Reichstag.
What did President Hindenburg introduce after the Reichstag Fire? Introduced a decree 'For The Protection Of People And State' - Suspended sections of the constitution that guaranteed the basic human rights of the German people.
Start of the Totalitarian State This decree was the start of the basis of a totalitarian state. This decree was only meant to be short term, but lasted 12 years (until 1945)
How many seats did the Nazi Party gain in the March 1933 elections? Nazi party grew to 288 Nazi allies, German National People's Party won 52 seats.
What is the Enabling Act? When did it come into action? The enabling Act was introduced by Hitler on March 23rd. This new law allowed government power to issue laws regardless of the Reichstag. This game into action on 28th February 1933
What did the Enabling Act restrict? Personal Freedom - expression of opinion Freedom of Press - right to hold meetings Secrecy of Mail - property rights
What did the passing of the Enabling Act mean for the political party's? Nazi - Hitler gained dictatorial powers Communists - Party was banned
How was Hitler now assumed as a 'dictator'? - He has the power to pass a law just by announcing it in the government. - Hitler was now independent of the Reichstag and other political parties. - He was also independent of the President
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