Scz pt 2


Darcey Griffiths
Flashcards by Darcey Griffiths, updated 13 days ago
Darcey Griffiths
Created by Darcey Griffiths 13 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Components of EE pt 1- Critical components Seen in high EE families/ caregivers- about behaviour of those with scz eg patients don't wash/ get up in morning- called lazy and selfish- caregivers don't understand characteristics of scz
Components of EE pt 2- hostility Unfriendliness/ criticism about scz patient- seen in high EE caregivers/ guardians- caregivers state patients is causing problems for them- shouting at them, getting angry/ irritated easily- also show emotional over involvement
Components of EE pt 3- Warmth Seen in low EE caregivers- Measured through vocal qualities eg tone smiling and empathy expressed when talking to individual w/scz
Components of EE pt 4- positive regard Seen in low EE families- the no. reinforcing statements in which the caregiver expresses support and appreciation of individual w/scz- eg state they feel close to patient- appreciate they feel close to patient- appreciate the little efforts in day to day functioning
Eval-dysfunctional families- supporting evidence Evidence surrounding dysfunctional family exp suggests symptoms seen in those with scz- are result of communication difficulties in family- especially between parents and children (Bateson)- unlike double bind EE has a lot more evidence to support it- many studies that suggest high EE environment is bad for scz's- cause higher rate of relapse
Supporting evidence- dysfunctional families- counter However- could be argued- both these ideas may be out of date- theories and research to support were developed many decades ago- society has undergone huge social changes in last 20 years or so- eg internet particuarly social media altering way communication takes place- future research should look at effects social media has and even potentially include this in therapy sessions
Nature -nurture- reductionist- dysfunctional families Biological and individual explanations have been criticised for being reductionist- ignores factors eg the family environment that can have an effect on experience of scz- whilst dysfunctional family exp- may not be able to provide a complete exp of scz- by examining role family can play- allows for a greater understanding of scz experience- can lead to advances in therapy. Recovery is not just finding right combo of medication- needs to be more holistic- clear family can play huge role- but dysfunctional family still ignores culture and gender
Dysfunctional families- cause and effect Issue with dysfunctional family exp is that cannot be established which behaviour is causing the outcome- could be scz is an effect of communication difficulties within family as having scz as a member of the family puts family under stress- However, the dysfunctional family exp could explain why scz runs in families- particuarly between siblings as they would have had same upbringing- so would have experienced same communication difficulties
Dysfunctional families- methodological issues There's few methodological issues that can apply to many of the studies that investigate family communication (both double bind and EE) some studies use self report in these studies scz's and their families are asked about their relationships or type of communication they engage in- might be asked to report on their current relationships or relationships from their childhood - eg Beger 1965- Other studies avoid issues raised by self report via controlled observations- scz's are observed communicating with family members either in home or controlled environment eg lab- communication is recorded and analysed- often observations are quite short only 10 mins or so- raises issues of validity- only snapshot of home lives
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