Lesson 10: The kingdom of Kush. EQ (Essential Question): How did location influence the history of KUsh


Grade 6 History Flashcards on Lesson 10: The kingdom of Kush. EQ (Essential Question): How did location influence the history of Kush? Made by a 6th grader! ;)
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Flashcards by ; ), updated 4 months ago
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Created by ; ) 4 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Kush a kingdom to the south of Egypt that lasted from c. 2000 B.C. to 350 A.D.
Another name for Kush Nubia
Kush is known for Rich gold mines
archers people who shoot with bows and arrows
Conquered Egypt in c. 730 B.C. King Piye of Kush who took the titles of "Uniter of two lands"
Meroë The new capital of Kush and trade center for almost 1,000 years
Kandakes powerful females who were considered goddesses
Queen Amanirnas A powerful female that was considered a goddess (Kandakes), and fought against the powerful Romans
treaty a piece of paper that declares no more war
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