Present Continuous Charades


Present Continuous Charades
Josué Iván Gómez Caldera
Flashcards by Josué Iván Gómez Caldera, updated 4 months ago
Josué Iván Gómez Caldera
Created by Josué Iván Gómez Caldera 4 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
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1 You are brushing your teeth.
2 You are riding a bicycle.
3 You are baking a cake.
4 You are swimming in the pool.
5 You are reading a book.
6 You are taking a selfie.
7 You are dancing.
8 You are painting a picture.
9 You are eating spaghetti.
10 You are playing the guitar.
11 You are fishing.
12 You are flying a kite.
13 You are feeding a baby.
14 You are putting on makeup.
15 You are taking a nap.
16 You are washing dishes.
17 You are playing the piano.
18 You are riding a horse.
19 You are kicking a soccer ball.
20 You are climbing a mountain.
21 You are drinking a milkshake.
22 You are opening a gift.
23 You are cleaning the floor.
24 You are writing a letter.
25 You are blowing up a balloon.
26 You are walking a dog.
27 You are watching a scary movie.
28 You are making a phone call.
29 You are planting a tree.
30 You are playing tennis.
31 You are tying your shoelaces.
32 You are playing hide and seek.
33 You are brushing your hair.
34 You are jumping rope.
35 You are blowing bubbles.
36 You are watering plants.
37 You are driving a car.
38 You are building a sandcastle.
39 You are roasting marshmallows.
40 You are reading a map.
41 You are washing your hands.
42 You are putting on sunglasses.
43 You are playing basketball.
44 You are looking through binoculars.
45 You are wrapping a present.
46 You are putting on a jacket.
47 You are playing hopscotch.
48 You are skiing down a hill.
49 You are giving someone a high-five.
50 You are playing the drums.
51 You are opening a heavy door.
52 You are brushing a dog.
53 You are playing video games.
54 You are hula hooping.
55 You are blowing out birthday candles.
56 You are tying a tie.
57 You are doing jumping jacks.
58 You are putting on a helmet.
59 You are bouncing a basketball.
60 You are swimming underwater.
61 You are listening to music with headphones.
62 You are digging a hole.
63 You are riding a roller coaster.
64 You are making popcorn.
65 You are playing with a yo-yo.
66 You are smelling a flower.
67 You are catching a butterfly.
68 You are reading a newspaper.
69 You are making a snowman.
70 You are brushing a cat.
71 You are peeling an orange.
72 You are trying on shoes.
73 You are putting on a bandage.
74 You are walking in the rain.
75 You are ice skating.
76 You are drinking hot chocolate.
77 You are spinning in a chair.
78 You are throwing a baseball.
79 You are hugging a teddy bear.
80 You are riding a skateboard.
81 You are counting money.
82 You are looking for something you lost.
83 You are jumping on a trampoline.
84 You are playing with a toy car.
85 You are watching a magic show.
86 You are eating an ice cream cone.
87 You are putting up a tent.
88 You are acting like a robot.
89 You are fixing a bike.
90 You are drinking a smoothie.
91 You are stretching your arms.
92 You are riding a scooter.
93 You are eating popcorn at the movies.
94 You are hammering a nail.
95 You are waving to someone.
96 You are stirring a pot.
97 You are carrying a backpack.
98 You are looking at yourself in a mirror.
99 You are eating cereal.
100 You are throwing a frisbee.
101 You are shaking hands.
102 You are playing tug-of-war.
103 You are balancing on one foot.
104 You are skipping.
105 You are doing a magic trick.
106 You are pretending to fly like an airplane.
107 You are pretending to be a superhero.
108 You are whispering a secret.
109 You are making a sandwich.
110 You are diving into a pool.
111 You are brushing off dust.
112 You are sneezing.
113 You are picking up a heavy suitcase.
114 You are climbing a tree.
115 You are drawing a picture.
116 You are folding clothes.
117 You are waving goodbye.
118 You are looking through a microscope.
119 You are driving a race car.
120 You are rowing a boat.
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