38. Trading Documents


A summary of each document that is involved in the trading process.
Thivyatharani Thayaratnam
Flashcards by Thivyatharani Thayaratnam, updated 4 months ago
Thivyatharani Thayaratnam
Created by Thivyatharani Thayaratnam 4 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are trade documents ? Trade documents are documents involved during trading between business and consumer.
What is the order of documents involved in trade ? Enquiry ---> Quotation ---> Order Form ---> Advice/Delivery Note ---> Goods received note ---> Credit note/Debit note/Statement of account ---> Payment ---> Receipt
What is an enquiry ? A letter sent to a supplier regarding what the supplier has to offer.
What is a quotation ? A response to a letter of enquiry from a supplier quoting the price and the other details of the goods the supplier is able to offer.
What is an order ? A document requesting specific goods to be delivered.
What is an advice note ? A document from a supplier saying when goods will be delivered.
What is a delivery note ? A document that describes the goods that have been delivered by the supplier. (used to check that the goods delivered as the same as those listed on the delivery note)
What is a goods received note ? A copy of the delivery note signed by the customer to confirm that the correct goods have been delivered.
What is an invoice ? A business document that contain details, such as the amount owed, about the exchange of goods between the buyer and the seller.
What is a debit note ? A document used to inform the customer that they have been undercharged.
What is a credit note ? A document used to inform the customer that they have been overcharged.
What is a statement of account ? A document sent to the customer to show a summary of recent transactions and the outstanding amount.
What is auditing ? Checking if transactions are accurate.
What is a receipt ? Issued by businesses when payment has been received from a customer.
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