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Why did US involvement increase in Vietnam?


GCSE Vietnam Flashcards on Why did US involvement increase in Vietnam?, created by sagar.joban on 08/04/2013.
Flashcards by sagar.joban, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sagar.joban almost 12 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Diem's Government was weak So the US had to support Diem if it was going to survive
Containment During the Cold War, US policy was based on containment - containing the political influence of Communism. The US had helped the French in the 1950s in order to stop Communism spreading and gain support from allies.
Domino Theory Eisenhower and others believed in the 'domino theory' - they believed USSR was trying to spread Communism throughout the world. If one country fell, others would fall.
Military Industrial Complex Idea that a combination of high-ranking officers and large arms manufacturers actually wanted a war with USSR. War meant more money for arms and equipment. Eisenhower warned of this in his final speech in Jan. 1960.
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