Biology 108 - History of Life


Chemistry 101 Biology 108 Flashcards on Biology 108 - History of Life, created by jennabarnes12387 on 05/12/2013.
Flashcards by jennabarnes12387, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennabarnes12387 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What almost unique ability to humans have? They can analyze a situation and ask question, having the ability to think.
who was the first person to come up with the ideas of adaption and eventually science? Aristotle
What is science? comes from the Greek word Scientia which means to know. it is a constant analysis that seeks to find natural explinations for natural phenomena. it is an investigative process using test hypotheses to come up with a principle.
What is a hypothesis? a testable observation or statement that a person tries to falsify.
What is an experiment? a methodical procedure meant to test and disprove a hypothesis while eliminating other observations
What is the most common experiment used in Biology? controlled experiments. These are experiments were independent variables are tested one at a time on a dependent variable
What is hypothetical-deductive reasoning? an approach to problem solving that uses inductive reasoning
What is a theory? a hypothesis that can be supported by lots of evidence and is accepted by many experts
What is Biology? the Science of Life. also called the decathlon science as you need to have an understanding of all other sciences to understand it fully.
Why could you say that biology has strong unifying themes? most organisms, though different, have similarities like genetic code, metabolic pathways, and related evolution
What stage was the earth in 4.6 billion years ago? The earth just formed at this time had frequent and violent lightning and a lot of volcanic activity. The atmosphere was primitive, containing no oxygen, but CH4, NH3, CO2, N2, H2, and H2O were present. no oxygen meant no ozone so there was no protection from UV radiations. this reducing atmosphere (no oxygen) allowed for molecules to fuse together easily.
What stage was the earth in 3.8 billion years ago? at this point carbon isotopes could be found in Greenland, an organic substance present in all life. this suggests live was present at this time, most likely prokaryotes. also stromatolites could be found
what are stromatolites? Stromatalies are very old rock formations, when compared to present day bacteria mats, it has been inferred they are in fact fossilized prokaryotes, some as old as 3.5 billion years old.
What defines as cell? the ability to undergo metabolism which is the production and consumption of energy needed for life, and the ability to produce offspring.
What makes up a cell in the most basic senses? proteins from amino acids, polysaccharides from monosaccharides, fats from fatty acids, and nucleic acids from nucleotides.
What is dehydration synthesis? When molecules are removed allowing small molecules to form bigger molecules
What is hydrolysis? The inserting of water molecules into a molecule to break it into two or more pieces
What is the theory of how organic molecules came to be and how they started to reproduce? the primitive atmosphere allowing for the abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules. these small molecules then joined into macromolecules and were further packaged into protobionts. this was followed by the origin of self-replicating molecules.
How was this theory proposed? two scientists in the 1920s came up with the abiotic synthesis of polymers at separate times. it is believed that the reducing effect of out primitive atmosphere allowed for the production of organic molecules and bigger macromolecules. to prove this, the Miller-Urey experiment was used which exposed an envirnmnet to all substances and phenomenons of our primitive atmosphere. this experiment allowed for the formation of simple amino acids
What is the criticism of this theory? no evidence has been found of organic molecules in the atmosphere. More likely they would for under water near undersea volcanoes.
describe the theory that organic molecules are actually alien material. It has been found that small 4.5 billion year old meteorites carried up to 80 different amino acids. this theory is not supported by NASA as these meteorites would have traveled many light years and the organic molecules could not have stayed dormant for that long without dying out.
What is the proposed theory of how molecules packaged into protobionts? the aggregation of the molecules abiotically created vesicles. from their the molecules exhibited simple reproduction and maintained a constant internal chemical environment. liposomes could have formed when lipids or other organic molecuels were added to water like mixing water and oil. if clay is added to this process the amount of vesicles created would increase.
Describe the theory of the evolution of hereditary material. In modern cells information is passed from DNA to RNA so proteins can be produced. it has been found that RNA molecules called ribosomes have been found to be able to perform actions such as self splicing and self replicating of themselves or there RNA. It is thought that the genetic material came from primitive RNA that could reproduce itself and then with time evolved to create DNA and then proteins.
what are the 6 requirements of life? order, homeostasis, reproduction, evolutionary adaption, energy processing, growth and development, and response to environment
what are the 10 levels of biological organization on earth? the biosphere, ecosystems, communities, populations, and organisms, organs, tissues, cells, organelles, and molecules
what is reductionism? studying smaller parts of a complex system so they can be easily studied
Why are amino acids so important in connecting life on earth? the differnt amino acids in an organism describe what species it is. If we could understand how amino acids started to be produced we culd find out how life started. the differnce in all life depends on the different amino acids the DNA of an organism codes for
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