Biological Psychology Class -Appearance


Flashcards on Biological Psychology Class -Appearance, created by sarahparker1996 on 06/12/2015.
Flashcards by sarahparker1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sarahparker1996 almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
What are the 3 key sections appearance is separated into? 1. Masculinity-Femininity 2. Babyfacedness 3. Symmetry
What is our appearance controlled by? Sex hormones at birth and at puberty
Appearance: What did Johnson et al, 2001 do? Morphed faces with lots of testosterone (Hypermasculine) and made a scale down to morphed faces that lacked testosterone (Hyperfeminine) FOUND: Least male images, attracted women in low fertility part of cycle (Menstruation) Most male images, images women in high fertility part of cycle (Ovulation)
Appearance What did Perrett et al, 2010 find? When you increase femininity, women are perceived as more attractive. =This is universal; Asian, African and European standards.
Appearance What did Braun et al, 2001 find? Babyfacedness was attractive in females. He morphed 64 adult females together to create the 'perfect female' then mixed this image with that of morphed 4-6 yr olds. Highest voting was 30% baby face. Attractive features include: prominent forehead, large eyes and small nose.
What 3 things are asymmetrical features linked with? 1. Premature birth 2. Learning disabilities 3. Schizophrenia
What two scales can be used to assess slimness/fatness attractiveness? 1. BMI - Cultural - Very Western! 2. Waist-to-Hip Ratio - Universal - there is an optimum size.
What did Singh 1993 find with reference to waist-to-hip ratio? 0.7 = optimum for women - Indicates optimum estrogen levels. 0.9 = optimum for men - indicates greater fertility and reduced levels of male cancers.
Why are females more at risk if they make poor decisions for partners? PREGNANCY!
What are females looking for when they search for a new relationship? 1. Longevity 2. Security
Name 3 physical characteristics associated with the 'perfect male'? 1. Wide shoulders 2. Wide jaw 3. Good WHR These indicate healthy hormone secretion and longer life in males.
Name 4 drawbacks of dating the 'perfect male?' -Lower levels of Warmth -Greater dishonesty -Lower co-operativeness -POOR PARENTAL QUALITY
According to Krugen, 2006 what type of relations are 'perfect males' interested in? Short term relationships
What are males looking for in a relationship? Not seeking resources, just mates capable of reproducing. (Males do not have such a risk factor when picking a mate)
Name a few male preferences for physical appearance of a datable female? - Smooth skin -Lustrous hair -Nice teeth -Clear eyes -Animated facial expressions (These are found across cultures)
What happens to the male torso height during puberty? Torso lengthens, increasing 'sitting' height (Testosterone). Muscle mass in shoulders INCREASES
On an on-line dating profile, name for each gender the variable that decides how many messages they receive back? Males; how much they earn (Hitsch et al, 2006) Females; How attractive they are seen to be. (Olivola et al, 2007)
What is the strongest indicator of sexual orientation ( in males ) ? Fraternal birth order effect (Blanchand + Lippa, 2007) Each older brother increases odds of MPP by 33%
What is Cognital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CIP) ? When you have too many androgens in your system. For boys = develop normally Girls = Tend to 'masculate'
What happens if a girl suffers from Cognital Adrenal Hyperplasia? 1/3 more likely to be bi or a lesbian. Features will be masculine. Vomiting/Dehydration Enlarged Clitoris/Shallow vagina Greater likelihood of poly-cystic ovaries.
Which development stage decides your sexual orientation? Neo-Natal
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