Chapter 4 –war revolt and overthrow of the monarchy


Flashcards on Chapter 4 –war revolt and overthrow of the monarchy, created by kishette on 08/12/2015.
Flashcards by kishette, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kishette about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the United Provinces Modern Day Netherlands
When did Austria and Prussia become allies? 7 February 1792
When and why did Louis dismiss his ministers? March 1792, Louis dismissed his ministers under the pressure of Austrain threats and Girondin accusations of a "Austrian Committee"
Who was the new Foreign Minster? What was his view on the war? General Dumouriez – he wanted war
What was the impact of dismissing the Feuillant? Louis lost support – the Assembly and the government both became increasingly radical. War was more likely – radical changes, such as call for a Republican, was inevitable.
When did France declare war with Austria? 20 April 1792
When did Prussia declare war on France? June 1792
How many French officers emigrated? Over half of the 12,000
What was the problem with the French army? - The discipline of the regular army broke down under the influence of revolutionary propaganda - Newly recruited volunteers were poorly trained.
How did Marie-Antoinette help Austrain army? She had sent details of the French military to the Austrians
What was the fédéres? 20,000 National Guardsmen who were set up to
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